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The Mother-Daughter Book Club Trailer - YouTube
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The Mother-Daughter Book Club is a children's novel written by Heather Vogel Frederick. It was published in 2007 by Simon & Schuster. The book centers around the life of four very different preteen, and eventually teenange girls who become best friends because their mothers decided to start a book club. The first book they read together is Little Women.

The series continues with six other novels: Much Ado About Anne, Dear Pen Pal, Pies and Prejudice, Home for the Holidays, Wish You Were Eyre, and Mother Daughter Book Camp.Right now, we are just doing a section of book 1.

Video The Mother-Daughter Book Club

Plot summary

The book is divided between seasons, and the point of view from each girl.



Emma starts it off with her point of view.

Emma hops onto the bus, and is immediately put down by Becca Chadwick's mean remarks about her. To ease her mind off, Emma creates a poem. Before she knows it she is back at school, for the 1st day of 6th grade. As she enters the school, her brother Darcy helps her find her classroom. She asks if her best friend, Jess, is there too, but she isn't, and Emma is disappointed by this. She enters the class and sits across from Megan, and next to Zach Norton, her crush. Emma explains that Darcy calls Megan, Becca, Ashley, and Jen "The Fab Four", which they think is so cute because they have a crush on both Darcy and Zach Norton.

When Emma gets home, she eats dinner with her family in their pink kitchen. She explains that her father does all the cooking, that her mother is a terrible cook and she can't even boil water. She also explains that her mother is "a Jane Austen freak" or an "Austen Nut" and that her mother named her and her brother after characters in her favorite novels (Emma after Emma, and Darcy after Pride and Prejudice). Her mother tells her that she and a few mothers were talking at yoga class and that they decided to start a mother-daughter book club. Emma asks her mother who is going to be there, but Mrs. Hawthorne refuses to tell her. That night Emma goes to the local library to have her first book club meeting.


Megan texts her best friend Becca "that she and her mother are in a book club and that she hates it" during book club, and Emma peeks at her hopefully. Megan and Emma used to be best friends. Her mother tells her that starting the club will look good on her application to Colonial Academy, which Megan has no interest in, because she wants to be a fashion designer. She describes the future her mother wants for her and how frustrated she is that her mother does not approve of her dream.

Megan describes that she and her mother are 100% different and that her mother likes to help causes. Megan and her mother are driving to the library for the meeting. She sees Zach Norton (she, like Emma, has a crush on him), exits the car, and waves. She also sees Ethan MacDonald, and Third (his real name is Cranfield Bartlett III). She sees Emma Hawthorne, whom she hates and in her mind she criticizes Emma's outfit, because she has no fashion sense. She and her mother; Emma, and Emma's mother enter the library. A few minutes later, in walks Cassidy Sloane with her mother (a former, world-famous model), Clementine. Megan comments on how Cassidy doesn't look anything like her mother and how much of a tomboy she is. Also, Jess walks in and Megan talks about what a freak she is and how she and her friends call her "Goat Girl" because she lives on an organic farm with many goats. She also describes how Jess's mother "ran away" from home to go to New York to audition for a soap opera called HeartBeats.Becca's mother enters the library and Megan states that no one likes Becca's mother. Becca's mother says that she's sorry that Megan couldn't come shopping with Becca, Ashley, and Jen and criticizes the book club.

Mrs. Hawthorne announces that the girls will be reading Little Women and the first book club meeting ends.


Cassidy walks into her home after school and her mother greets her from the kitchen. Cassidy walks into the kitchen and sees her mother is making cupcakes for a Halloween party that her mother hosted without telling Cassidy first. Cassidy's mother asks her daughter what she thinks of the cupcakes and Cassidy says they look radioactive.

Meanwhile, her older sister, Courtney, confronts her and tells her that she should be nicer to their mother. Courtney says that she must be having a hard time since their father's death. Cassidy ignores Courtney's comments and heads off to the ice rink. Skating for an hour calms her down and she rides home.

After the book club meeting at her house, Cassidy goes downstairs to the Halloween party. She is wearing her hockey uniform, so nobody can see her face. She overhears Becca, Megan, Ashley, and Jen gossiping about how she is nothing like her mom or sister which makes her mad. She teams up with Emma, Jess, Zach, Ethan, and Third to pull a prank involving the "Headless Horseman" on Becca, Megan, Ashley and Jen. It is a fun success and chaos, but Cassidy ends up getting in trouble.


Emma tries to convince Jess to try out for the school play, Beauty and the Beast. Jess refuses because she is upset that her mother "ran away" to be an actress in a soap opera called HeartBeats.

The girls watch the hockey try-outs, knowing no one except them knows that Cassidy is trying out for the boys' hockey team in disguise. Becca, Ashley, and Jen arrive and begin to make fun of Jess and Emma. Megan and Becca's mother appear with popcorn and soda. Emma's brother, Darcy, is trying out for the team, and so is Becca's brother, Stewart. Becca's mother scowls at Emma and Jess, being on their case since the Halloween prank. Cassidy got caught and is now grounded, but she didn't rat out Jess and Emma. Out of the blue, Becca grabs Emma's journal from her backpack and calls Zach Norton, Emma's crush, to come over and reads an embarrassing poem out loud about that Emma wrote about him. Zach and Emma are both embarrassed. Emma rushes out of the stadium and Jess runs after her. The two come back to Emma's house and they bake cookies for the book club meeting. During dinner at the Hawthornes' house Emma (without Jess's permission) tells her family that Jess will be trying out for Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Jess is initially mad at Emma for saying this, but Darcy says that he thinks she would be great as Belle, causing Jess to blush, and agree to try out for the play.

Later, as the book club meeting begins, Megan and her mother arrive, while Cassidy's mother storms in furious. She says she received a call from Becca's mother saying that Cassidy made the boys' hockey team without her permission and that her spot on the team should've gone to her son. Cassidy's mother tells her that hockey is dangerous and feels betrayed that everyone seemed to know about Cassidy trying out but her. Cassidy is also furious and tells her that she wishes she had a different mother and they both storm out.



Cassidy and her mother head to the middle school to pick up Jess from rehearsal. Jess got the part of Belle, but the Fab Four spreads rumors all around the school that the drama teacher gave her the part only because her mother ran away. They do this because they were cast as dancing silverware. Cassidy tells Jess to ignore them and Jess takes her advice.

Cassidy and her mother go see a shrink or as Cassidy's mother calls him, a family counselor. Clementine thinks that Cassidy's attitude towards her and other people is very disrespectful, and decides to put herself and Cassidy in counseling.

The counselor talks to them both, saying that Clementine does not want Cassidy to play hockey because she is afraid that she will lose her daughter like she lost her husband. Cassidy says that she will compromise with Clementine by having a better attitude and not talking back. In return, Clementine will let Cassidy play hockey with the boys' team. They both agree by signing a contract that is not legally bound. Cassidy, Emma, Jess, and Megan leave the school, on their way to Megan's house for book club. Mrs. Wong (Megan's Mother) brings out vegetarian cookies which Cassidy hates.

Megan disappears and Mrs. Wong asks all the girls to look for Megan. They begin to search for Megan (Cassidy saying "It's hard to believe that only three people live here" because the Wongs own a house that "looks like a museum"). They find Megan in her bedroom. Cassidy tells Megan to hurry up. Emma sees the old Barbie clothes that Megan made when she and Emma used to be friends. Megan is furious and snatches them away from her.

They all go into the living room and have their book club meeting and all discussing their future careers. Mrs. Wong disagrees with Megan's chosen career as a fashion designer. Cassidy's mother still does not like the idea of Cassidy becoming a pro hockey player one day. Emma wants to become a writer and Jess wants to become a veterinarian. All of the mothers chip in for a Christmas Party and they should all dress up like the characters from Little Women. Cassidy says that she does not want to wear a dress, but Clementine pulls the contract out and immediately Cassidy is forced to agree.


It is snowing hard outside and Mrs. Hawthorne plans to cancel the Christmas party because of the roads being blocked. Never fear! Jess's father later comes by in a carriage drawn by his two horses, Led and Zep (which he named after Led Zeppelin). They pick up the Wongs and sing Christmas songs all the way to the Sloane's house. The girls all dress up in fancy dresses (Cassidy wears sweatpants and sneakers under hers) and they talk about who they are supposed to be. They all receive presents from Mrs. Delaney and Emma has Megan decorate a dress for her paper doll she received. She sees a true smile on Megan's face and starts thinking she might get her old friend back for Christmas; however, her mother ruins this by suggesting that Megan design a dress for Jess to wear for the play. Still envious that Jess got the part she wanted, Megan turns back into her "Fab Four" self again, and Emma feels disappointed.


It is almost time for the play and Jess becomes nervous. She stays in her room and talks to her mother who is on TV even though she can't hear her. Jess is upset that her mother could not be at her performance and wonders if her mother ever gets nervous when she is about to perform. After dinner at the Hawthorne's, Jess goes to school to prep for the play. Mrs. Sloane fixes her hair and makeup and Zach Norton, who plays Beast, gives her a red rose. The Fab Four whisper and call her "Goat Girl". On stage, Jess shines as she performs and loses all stage fright that she had before. In the middle of the show, however, The Fab Four let Jess's pet goat Sundance loose on the stage. This destroys the entire scene. Sundance runs away, scared, until Darcy catches her and hands her to Jess. They restart the scene afterwards, and Darcy and Jess's dad put Sundance back into her crate.


Megan is mad that she got into so much trouble for helping Becca with the goat stunt. She thinks that it was a silly prank and is angry that Zach is barely talking to her. The book club has an emergency meeting and decides that new rules should be made. All the girls sign a contract stating the new rules. They decide not to kick Megan out as long as she makes it up to Jess. They decide that Megan can design a dress for Jess to wear to the Spring Fling Dance. By the end of the chapter, Megan realizes that she really does miss Emma and wants to have a better friendship with the other girls. They all celebrate by eating pie, And outsmart Mrs. Chadwick (Becca's mother)about eating pie in the library. Becca texts Megan, but Megan decides not to answer her phone.



Cassidy's team, the Concord Comets, are competing for the championship title against the Minutemen. Cassidy scores a point and ties up the game. After her water break, she is ready to win the game but ends up getting boarded by a Minuteman defenseman. Cassidy says she heard the coach telling the Minuteman to hurt her. Mrs. Sloane starts being "Queen Clementine" as Cassidy calls her,and ends up threatening the coach of the Minutemen in front of everybody. The player who hurt Cassidy is out for the rest of the game. Cassidy's mom lets her back in after she remarks "What would Jo March do?", and the mother-daughter book club cheers. With only thirty seconds to go, Cassidy scores the final goal, and the Comets win the game. Cassidy sees the whole mother- daughter book club cheering for her, and her mother, who previously had been hiding her face because she was scared, is standing and cheering too. The chapter ends with the Comets winning and everyone cheering for Cassidy.


Emma has a sleepover with Jess, Cassidy, and Megan. She says that Megan is still with the Fab Four but that they had started including her more ever since she apologized to Jess. The girls go to the Patriot's Day parade which is a historical event in Concord filled with a special breakfast and a Revolutionary War reenactment. At the breakfast, Jess's twin brothers, Ryan and Dylan bother Becca's older brother Stewart and make fun of him for being a redcoat. Becca yells at them and ends up pushing them. This makes Jess angry and she confronts Becca and tells her to leave her brothers alone. This surprises everyone since Jess is so quiet, and Cassidy and Emma back her up. Ashley and Jen back Becca up, but Megan stays in the middle. Becca makes her choose between the groups, and without hesitation Megan glances over at Emma and chooses the mother-daughter book club. She throws her pancakes on Becca, getting syrup in her hair. Everyone ends up in a food fight and the four girls laugh all the way back to Emma's house where they watch the parade.


The girls go to Cassidy's house to get ready for the Spring dance. Megan makes Jess and herself a dress. Jess's mother sends them beauty products that the cast of her TV show use. They all come downstairs in their outfits. Cassidy is wearing her sister's old white dress decorated with rosebuds. Megan's dress an ice blue sheath and Jess's is a frothy pink dress. Emma is wearing a long yellow dress which used to be Nicole Patterson's. She becomes upset since her dress is too formal for the dance. Megan improvises by fixing the sleeves and changing the length. This makes Emma happy again and everyone compliments Megan's talent at designing. At the dance, Zach Norton calls Jess "Beauty" (because of the play) and asks her to dance. This makes Emma jealous and she runs out of the gym, crying. Megan and Cassidy cheer her up and Jess tells Emma that she doesn't like Zach, but admits that she's liked Emma's brother Darcy ever since kindergarten. Cassidy tells Emma that Zach only likes Jess as a friend and that he is comfortable around her which is why he asked her to dance. They all go back to the gym. Cassidy dances with Zach, Jess with Ethan, Megan with Darcy, and Emma with Third. The girls don't end up with the partner they each hoped for, but have a good time anyway.


For the very first time, the mother- daughter book club is being held at Jess's home, Half Moon Farm. Jess watches her mom on TV and then spends some time in her "secret hiding place". When the book club starts, her dad ends up embarrassing her by almost having her and her friends dance the "Dance of the Maypole Maidens". Everyone tries not to laugh, and her dad is surprised since he read about the dance in a magazine. Jess becomes upset and goes to her room, fuming about how her family is weird. Emma, Cassidy, and Megan all come upstairs and comfort her. Emma tells Jess that all parents humiliate their kids. Cassidy tells Jess people always point and stare since her mom is a supermodel and she doesn't look like her at all. Megan reminds Jess of the vegetarian cookies her mom served at the book club meeting. This makes Jess feel better and they all end up laughing about it. Mr. Delaney comes and talks to Jess and explains how he is having a hard time raising the kids while their mother is away. He apologizes and they go back downstairs to finish the book club meeting.



It is the last day of school and it is Emma's birthday. A party is held at Megan's house. All the girls give her gifts. Megan gives Emma a mood pillow that she made. Cassidy gives her a fountain pen that uses real ink that was apparently her "mom's idea". Her parents give her a whole new set of poetry books, and Jess and Mr. Delaney give her a rhyming dictionary. Jess's mom sends the whole book club first class train tickets to visit her in New York. While in New York, the book club gets to go to Yankees game, a Broadway showing of Little Women, and stay at a fancy hotel. The mothers start a conga line and the girls dance with them around the living room!


The girls are at the train station on their way to New York. They run into Mrs. Chadwick and Becca. Mrs. Chadwick is not impressed with their book club. Along the way, Megan designs clothes for all of her friends. After shopping in New York, Mrs. Sloane runs into Wolfgang, a photographer for Flash, the magazine that she used to model for. Megan ends up showing Wolfgang her designs. He is impressed and tells Megan that they are creating a spinoff magazine for teenagers called Flashlite and asks her mom if Megan can design clothes for it. Surprisingly, Mrs. Wong agrees. Back at the hotel, Mrs. Sloane announces that she is starting her own TV show called "Cooking with Clementine" and that she will film it at her own house so the family won't have to move again. The girls and their moms have a pillow fight and then call for room service and eat ice cream sundaes to celebrate all the good news.


The girls are on the set of HeartBeats, where they have a special lunch. They get to watch a taping of an episode. Emma suggests changing a line in the script and the director tells her he will put her name on the credits for helping write the episode. Cassidy overhears Jess's mother telling her she cannot return to Half Moon Farm yet since this is the only chance of a career she has left. This makes Jess upset. Cassidy comforts Jess. The girls all go to the Broadway showing of Little Women. The chapter ends with Cassidy feeling sorry for Jess since her mother chose to not come home.


The Mother Daughter book club have a surprise picnic at the Orchard House. After having a tour of Louisa May Alcott's home, everybody eats and then sets up for a game of croquet. Jess's dog, Sugar, smells something and Jess sees Spice, her other dog that her mother took to New York with her. Jess sees her mother and runs to her. She tells Jess she quit her job on HeartBeats and says that her love of her family is greater than her love of acting and that she will work something else out. The book ends with the Delaney family hugging and everyone else watching happily.

Maps The Mother-Daughter Book Club


The Daughters

  • Emma Jane Hawthorne One of the members of the mother-daughter book club. She is of medium height with short, curly brown hair, and glasses. Her mother is a librarian and her father is a freelance writer. She has an older brother named Darcy, who is in the 8th grade. Her family is mentioned to be on a tight budget and she wears hand-me-downs from a girl named Nicole Patterson as well as clothes from the thrift store. Because of this, she is often made fun of by the "Fab Four". She has a crush on Zach Norton, which everybody sees as obvious,and is humiliated when Becca reads her poem "Zach Attack" in front of him. Her best friend is Jess. She was also friends with Megan until fourth grade when the Wongs became rich and Megan started hanging out with Becca and her "wannabees". Their friendship is restored throughout the book. Emma also becomes friends with Cassidy as well. She has a passion for reading and writing. She gets over her crush on Zach eventually and she gets together with Becca's brother, Stewart.
  • Jessica "Jess" Joy Delaney One of the members of the mother-daughter book club. She lives at Half-Moon Farm where she and her family take care of many animals including dogs, cats, goats (which causes Becca to call her "goat girl"), horses, chickens, and more. She is described as petite with thick blonde hair that she always wears in a braid down her back and blue eyes. Her father runs Half-Moon Farm. Though the farm has been owned by the Delaney's since the 18th century, her father made the decision to make it all organic. Her mother helped her father run the farm until she "ran away" to become an actress. For this reason, Jess was very hesitant to go forth being Belle in the school musical play "Beauty and the Beast". However, Jess's mother returns at the end of the summer, quitting her job on "HeartBeats." Jess is incredibly intelligent, especially in math and science. She gets a scholarship to the Colonial Academy in the third book "Dear Pen Pal" She initially refuses to go but ends up at the school eventually. She makes three new friends there, Savannah, Adele and Frankie. In the fourth book, "Pies and Prejudice" she gets together with Emma's brother Darcy. She remains Darcy's girlfriend for the rest of the series.
  • Cassidy Ann Sloane One of the members of the mother-daughter book club. Cassidy is a major tomboy that loves any sport imaginable, often being referred to as the "jock" of the group. She plays on the boys' baseball team and hockey team. She is very tall and has red hair and gray eyes. She moved from Laguna Beach to Concord after her father died in a car accident. Cassidy is mentioned to be much like him as they both love sports, practical jokes and look alike. Her mother is a former world-famous model named Clementine. Her mother disapproves of Cassidy's attitude and fashion sense and takes her to see a "family therapist" where she promises her mother she will try to act better. Her older sister Courtney is much like her mom. The Fab Four do not like Cassidy and attempt to make fun of her, however she doesn't let this bother her and stands up for herself. Cassidy becomes good friends with Emma and Jess through the mother-daughter book club. While she initially does not like Megan, she becomes friends with her later on when Megan becomes more friendly. In the third book, "Dear Pen Pal", Zach kisses her and she throws her baseball mitt at him, giving him a black eye. She also is attracted to Tristan Berkeley, the older of the brothers that house swapped with the Hawthornes, and they kiss in "Pies and Prejudice" and "Wish You Were Eyre."
  • Megan Rose Wong One of the members of the mother-daughter book club. Megan comes from a Chinese-American household and loves fashion. She has a sketchbook where she draws outfits. Her mother disapproves of Megan's fashion dreams. Her mother loves to save the environment and is a health nut, which annoys Megan. Megan was originally friends with Emma until her family became rich and she started to hang out with Becca, Ashley, and Jen. In the beginning of the book she is rude, stuck up and hates the MDBC. Throughout the book, she changes and becomes friends with the girls and stands up to Becca Chadwick.
  • Rebecca 'Becca' Louise Chadwick Referred as a 'queen bee' in the first two books, Becca later becomes a member of the Book club. Initially, she is unhappy about it, but soon adjusts and becomes friends with the girls, who also accept Becca. Her best friend in the group is Megan. She is crazy about clothes, shopping and boys, and finds her brother Stewart quiet annoying at times. She had blonde hair and light blue eyes. She liked Zach Norton, but in Wish You Were Eyre, she finds a boy for herself named Theodore.

The Mothers

  • Phoebe Hawthorne Emma's mother who is a librarian. She comes up with the idea for the mother-daughter book club during yoga class with the others mothers. Mrs. Hawthorne is a big fan of Jane Austen and named her kids after characters from her favorite Jane Austen novels. She is a very kind and sympathetic mother to Emma. She also gives very good advice and is very smart. Phoebe knows a lot about "queen bees" like Becca Chadwick and reads many parenting books so she can understand her kids better. The Hawthornes live in a cozy Cape Cod style house in Concord. Every room is seemingly filled with books.
  • Clementine Sloane Cassidy's mother who is a former supermodel. She is 6 feet tall and has long blonde hair. She always wears fashionable clothes which Megan loves to sketch in her sketchbook. Mrs. Sloane wishes that Cassidy would have better manners and eventually takes her to a psychologist for her sour attitude. Clementine's daughter Courtney looks and acts much like her, while Cassidy is more like her father. She misses her husband a lot and initially is afraid of Cassidy playing hockey because she is scared she might lose her like she lost her husband. She loves decorating and cooking and gets her own TV show "Cooking with Clementine" towards the end of the book. The show is filmed in the Sloane's house. The Sloanes live in an old Victorian styled house and Cassidy says her favorite room is the turret.
  • Lily Wong Megan's mother who is dedicated to saving the environment. She gives to many charities and helps causes. She is also a health nut and vegetarian. This bothers Megan as her mother always serves disgusting food at book club meetings. She attended M.I.T where she met her husband. She wants Megan to become an environmental lawyer, though she later accepts Megan's chosen career as a fashion designer. The Wongs own a large house that is "as big as a museum" and even has an intercom system because it is so large.
  • Shannon Delaney Jess's mother who is a talented actress. She is petite and has dark hair and blue eyes and looks much like Jess. Before 6th grade, Mrs. Delaney went to an audition in New York where she got the role of Larissa LaRue on the soap opera HeartBeats. Jess and her father watch her mother on TV every day at 3:30. Jess misses her mother a lot during the year, but she finally returns in the summer after Jess begs her to come home back home during her visit to New York. Mrs. Delaney returns to help her husband run the farm and take care of Jess and the twins. She named the farm's chickens after her favorite country singers, including a Dolly Parton and an Elvis Presly.
  • Calliope Chadwick Becca's mother who joins the book club a little later. She has a particularly large bottom, and is enraged inPies And Prejudice when Emma's father creates a character in his novel based on her, describing the character(Hepzibah Plunkett) as having a rear like a "defiant lady-in-waiting'. In the third book, she goes through a phase in which she dresses up in a comical manner. In the fourth book, she develops an interest in landscaping.

Other Family Members

  • Nicholas Hawthorne Emma's father who works as a freelance writer. He is also an aspiring novelist. He is a big fan of Jane Austen and books are of frequent discussion in the Hawthorne house. Mr. Hawthorne is very caring and is also very smart. He spends a good amount of time in his office and is a very good cook.But in the fourth book, "Pies and Prejudice", he writes a story and it is published, but when Calliope Chadwick reads it she is furious because she thinks the character is based on her because of her huge bottom.
  • Michael Delaney Jess's father who runs Half-Moon Farm. While his wife is away, he has a hard time handling the kids (especially the twins) sometimes. Jess notes that she found out that her father watches her mother on T.V, though she did not tell him that she knew. He named his two Belgian Draft horses, Led and Zep, after his favorite rock group, Led Zeppelin.
  • Jerry Wong Megan's father who invented a "computer gizmo"and became rich. He grew up in Hong Kong and attended M.I.T., where he met Megan's mom. Mr. Wong is very rich because of his invention, however Emma says she can still remember playing with Megan in her family's sunroom in their old condo before "the invention" which seemingly ruined their friendship.
  • Darcy Hawthorne Emma's older brother who is in the 8th grade. He is a jock and plays on many sports teams. He has curly brown hair and warm brown eyes. Darcy nicknamed Becca, Ashley, Megan, and Jen the "Fab Four". Many girls (including the Fab Four) have a crush on him. After saving Jess's goat at the play, Jess herself developed a crush on him as well. Later on, in the fourth book "Pies and Prejudice" he develops feelings for Jess and they get together, becoming a couple.
  • Courtney Sloane Cassidy's older sister who is a sophomore in high school. Courtney tries to convince Cassidy to be nicer to her mother. Courtney is much like Mrs. Sloane with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Cassidy calls her "a carbon copy of my mother." Like her mother, she also likes fashion and wishes Cassidy would be more girly. She gets engaged to Grant Bell in the 5th book, "Home for the Holidays"
  • Dylan and Ryan Jess's little twin brothers whom she finds very irritating. They make many pranks and the other girls have trouble telling them apart.
  • Stewart Chadwick Becca's clumsy older brother. He plays on the local hockey team, since he is not nearly good enough to get on the Concord Comets, and because the local team "basically takes anybody that breathes." according to Cassidy. He enjoys hockey anyway. He is very similar to Emma because he likes poetry and books. He is becomes Emma's boyfriend in the 3rd book, "Dear Pen Pal," and they break up between the sixth and seventh book.
  • Chloe Kinkaid When Clementine Sloane remarried to Stanley Kinkaid, she became pregnant with a girl who they name Chloe. She is Cassidy and Courtney's younger half-sister.
  • Stanley Kinkaid Cassidy and Courtney's stepfather. Like Cassidy, he loves sports. He is the accountant for the Boston Bruins. Cassidy, at first, dislikes "Stan the Man", but she eventually really likes him.
  • Henry Chadwick Calliope Chadwick's husband is rarely mentioned. He lost his job in the 5 th book, "Home For the Holiday's", he had to work at Pirate Pete's Pizza, humiliating Becca. Unlike his wife, he is very quiet and will agree with anything to prevent conflict.
  • Gigi Chen Megan Wong's maternal grandmother, who is very interested in fashion and cooking, like Megan. She is from Hong Kong. In the 6th book, "Wish You Were Eyre," Gigi adopts a French girl named Sophie. In the later books, we find out Sophie is Annabelle' s, Tristian' s, and Simon's 2nd cousin.

Friends and Acquaintances

  • Zach Norton One of Cassidy's best friends, and a good friend to Jess as well. He is tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. Becca, Emma and Megan have a major crush on him, however, he does not like them back. At a hockey game in the first book, Becca steals Emma's journal and reads a poem that Emma had written about him out loud to him and his friends. While Zach avoids Emma for a while, he eventually comes to like her as a friend. Zach plays Little League with Cassidy and has feelings for Cassidy that she doesn't share.
  • Ethan McDonald One of Cassidy's friends. Cassidy plays Little League with Ethan and Zach. His got nicknamed Tater because he used to eat spare Tater Tots of the cafeteria floor when he was in Elementary school.
  • Cranfield Bartlett III, or Third One of Cassidy's friends. Third also plays hockey with Cassidy and is good friends with Zach and Ethan.
  • Ashley Sanborn One of Becca's wannabees and a part of the Fab Four. Ashley is afraid to stand up to Becca and does whatever Becca wants her to do. She is described as having black hair and deep tan skin. Like both Becca and Megan, she loves fashion.
  • Jennifer, or Jen Webster Another of Becca's wannabees and a part of the Fab Four. Like Ashley, Jen is afraid to stand up to Becca and does whatever Becca wants her to. She is friends with Megan, Ashley and Becca. She is an amazing artist. She plays a rather small role in the series and moves away after the second book.
  • Tristan Berkeley Tristan is mentioned in the fourth book, when his family in England and Emma's family swap homes for a year. He is tall, dark and good-looking, but also quite rude at first. He often wears Spandex suits, becoming the object of Megan's blog, Fashionista Jane. He is into ice-dancing, much to the amusement of Cassidy. At first, he and Cassidy hated each other, but later, as they perform together, they develop feelings for each other, and eventually start dating.
  • Simon Berkeley Tristan's younger brother, Simon is friendly and polite, and is much liked by everyone around him, particularly Megan. He holds his older brother Tristan in high regard. He develops feelings toward Megan, but is disappointed when he finds out that she was the one who made fun of Tristan online. He breaks up with Megan in Home for the Holidays through an e-mail, but they get back together later on in the series.
  • Annabelle Fairfax Mentioned to be a distant cousin of the Berkeley's and Tristan's ice dancing partner, Annabelle is a queen bee whom Emma meets in Knightley-Martin school in England. She is also into ice-dancing, and despises Cassidy for spending time with Tristan, on whom she has a crush. Her friends at school have nicknamed her "Tinker Bell", but the book club girls call her "Stinkerbelle". Emma also trained Toby, the Berkeley's parrot, to say "Stinkerbelle" when he sees Annabelle, which lands her in trouble. Emma writes a funny story about her in the Knightley-Martin magazine titled 'Stinkerbelle the Bad Fairy'. She is mentioned to have dark hair and blue eyes. At a Christmas party, she tricks Emma into kissing Rupert Loomis, a gawky boy, under the mistletoe, and snaps a picture of them and sends it to Stewart, causing him to break up with Emma for a short while. She also prints posters of the picture and plasters it all over the school, embarrassing Emma.
  • Rupert Loomis A tall, clumsy boy who is Emma's neighbor in England, Rupert is a rather clammy, weird person. He has a deep voice, and may have feelings for Emma at first. Emma and her father love to make fun of him behind his back, but Emma's mother disapproves of it. He is rather surprised when Emma tells him that according to her, Lucy Woodhouse, a friend of theirs in England, may have feelings for him.
  • Lucy Woodhouse A friendly, cheerful girl with strawberry-blond curls, Lucy is a friend of Emma's and Rupert's. She feels rather sorry for Rupert, and is extremely patient with him. Emma feels that she may have feelings for him. Lucy, Rupert and Emma go to school together in a double-decker bus.

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External links

  • Heather Vogel Frederick Interview at MotherDaughterBookClub.com

Source of the article : Wikipedia
