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Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

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Angel Pink Pearl Rose Rosary â€
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The Holy Rosary ( ; Latin: rosarium , in the sense of "crown of roses" or " garland of roses "), also known as DominicanÃ, Rosary , refers to the form of prayer used in the Catholic Church and to the string knots or beads used to count component prayers. When used for prayer, the word is usually capitalized ("Rosary"), as is common for other prayer names, such as "Our Lord's Prayer" and "Hail Mary"; when referring to the beads, it is written with an initial letter of lowercase ("rosary").

The prayers that make up the Rosario set in the tenth set of Salam Maria, called decades. Every decade preceded by one Our Father's Prayer and followed by one Glory. During the course of each set, the mind is given to one of the Rosary Mysteries, remembering events in the life of Jesus and Mary. Five decades read out per rosary. Other prayers are sometimes added before or after every decade. Rosary beads are the help to pronounce these prayers in the right order.

A standard 15 The Rosary mystery, based on the old custom, was founded by Pope Pius V during the 16th century, the grouping of mysteries in three sets: The Mystery of Joy, the Mysterious Mystery, and the Noble Mysteries. During 2002 Pope John Paul II said that it is fitting that a new set of five is added, termed the Mystery Mystery, bringing the total number of mysteries to 20. These mysteries have been used by Patrick Peyton's Patriarch during the twentieth century. The Glorious Mystery is said on Sunday and Wednesday, The Joyful on Mondays and Saturdays, the Sorrowful on Tuesdays and Fridays, and Luminous Mysteries said on Thursday. Usually five decades are read out in one session.

For over four centuries, the rosary has been promoted by several popes as part of the cult of Mary in Roman Catholicism, and basically consists of meditation on the life of Christ. The Rosary also represents Roman Catholic emphasis on "participation in the life of Mary, whose focus is Christ," and the Mariological theme "to Christ through Mary."

Video Rosary

Theological significance

During the 16th century, Pope Pius V linked the rosary with the Roman General Calendar by instituting the Feast of Our Victory (later changed to Our Lady of the Rosary), which is celebrated on 7 October.

Pope Leo XIII, known as the "Pope of the Rosary," issued twelve encyclicals and five apostolic letters on the rosary and added the prayer of the Holy Rosary to Loreto Loreto. Pope Pius XII and his successors actively promoted the worship of the Virgin in Lourdes and Fatima, who are credited with the new rosary revival within the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II issued the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae which emphasizes the Christocentric nature of the Rosary as a meditation on the life of Christ.

Pope John XXIII considers such an important rosary on April 28, 1962, in an apostolic letter he requested the reading of the Rosary in preparation for the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.

During 2002, Pope John Paul II said: "Through Rosario, believers receive abundant blessings, as did the Redeemer's hand."

On May 3, 2008, Pope Benedict XVI stated that the Rosary had a new spring: "This is one of the most impressive signs of love that young people feed on Jesus and His mother." For Benedict XVI, the rosary is a meditation on all the important moments of salvation history.

The Congregation for Divine Worship's directory of popular piety and liturgy emphasizes Christian meditation/meditation aspects of the rosary, and states that the Rosary is basically a contemplative prayer requiring "calm rhythm or even lingering mentality that encourages the faithful to meditate on the mystery of God's life." The Congregation for Divine Worship shows the role the Rosary can have as a formative component of the spiritual life.

The theologian Romano Guardini describes the Roman Catholic emphasis on the rosary as "participation in the life of Mary, whose focus is Christ." This opinion was expressed earlier by Leo XIII who regarded the rosary as a way to accompany Mary in her contemplation of Christ.

Devotion and spirituality

The loyalty to the rosary is one of the most prominent features of popular Catholic spirituality. Pope John Paul II placed the rosary at the center of Christian spirituality and called it "among the best and most laudable traditions of Christian contemplation."

Catholics believe the Rosary is a cure to overcome the ordeals, temptations and hardships of life, and that the Rosary is one of the great weapons given to believers in their battle against every evil.

The saints and the pope have emphasized the meditative and contemplative elements of the rosary and gave special teachings on how the rosary should be prayed for, for example the need for "focus, honor, respect i> and purity of intent "during the recitation and recollection of the rosary.

From the sixteenth century onwards, rosary readings often involve "pictorial texts" that aid meditation. Such images continue to be used to describe the mystery of the rosary. Catholic saints have emphasized the importance of meditation and contemplation. The biblical meditation on the rosary is based on the Christian tradition of Lectio Divina, (literally divine reading) as a way of using the gospel to begin the conversation between the person and Christ. Padre Pio, a rosary devotee, said: " Through the study of the book, a person seeks God, with one's meditation finds it."

The reference to the rosary has been part of a number of reported Marians spanning two centuries. Messages reported from these apparitions have influenced the spread of rosary devotion around the world. In Quamquam Championship Pope Leo XIII links the rosary prayer with Saint Joseph and provides an indulgence for adding prayers to St. Joseph. Joseph told Rosary during the month of October.

Praying the Rosary can be prescribed by priests as a kind of penance after confession. (Redemption is not generally meant to be a "punishment"; it is meant to encourage meditation and spiritual growth from the sins of the past.)

Maps Rosary


According to the pious tradition, the concept of the rosary was given to Saint Dominic in the appearance of the Virgin Mary during 1214 in the Prouille church, although in reality it is known from the ninth century in various forms. This Mary apparition received the title of Our Lady from the Rosary. In the fifteenth century it was promoted by Alanus de Rupe (aka Alain de la Roche or Blessed Alan of the Rock), a Dominican priest and theologian, who founded "fifteen rosary promises" and started many rosary confreres.

According to Herbert Thurston, it is certain that in the course of the 12th century and before the birth of St. Dominikus, the practice of pronouncing 50 or 150 Ave Marias is well known in general. According to the 20th century edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia, the story of St. Dominic to the rosary and the supposed appearance of the Our Lady of the Rosary does not appear in Church documents or the Dominican Order before the Blessed Alanus writings, some 250 years after Dominic. However, a recent scholarship by Donald H. Calloway, who has received support from several Church hierarchies, is attempting to disprove this claim.

Leonard Foley claims that although Mary gave the rosary to St. Dominic is recognized as a legend, the development of this form of prayer relies heavily on the Order of Ecclesiastes.

The practice of meditation during the Hail Mary's prayer was associated with Dominic of Prussia (1382-1460), a Kartusian monk who called it "Life of Jesus Rosary". The German monk from Trier added one sentence to each of the 50 Hail Marys, using quotes from scripture (which at that time followed the name "Jesus," before the end of intercession added during the Counter-Reformation). In 1569, the pontifical Consueverunt Romani Pontifices by Pope Dominikan Pius V formally established devotion to the rosary in the Catholic Church.

From the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the structure of the rosary remains essentially unchanged. There are 15 mysteries, one for each of the 15 decades. During the twentieth century, the addition of the Fatima Prayer to the end of every decade became more common. There was no other change until 2002, when John Paul II instituted five new optional Optional Mysteries, although this variation has been proposed by the likes of St. Louis de Montfort and held during the mid-20th century by such characters as Patrick. Peyton.

Devotional growth

The Rosary has been featured in the writings of Roman Catholic leaders from the saints to the pope and continues to be mentioned in Mary's reported sightings, with a number of promises associated with the power of the rosary.

According to Alan de la Roche, the Virgin Mary is thought to have made 15 special pledges to Christians who pray the Rosary. The fifteen promises of the rosary range from the protection of misfortune to the degree of high glory in heaven.

John T. McNicholas said that during the time of the Criminal Penalty in Ireland when the Mass was rarely or impossible, the Rosary became a substitute in the house. During the 18th century, the French priest Louis de Montfort explained the importance of his rosary and his power in his Secret Secretary of the Rosary. He emphasized the power of the rosary and gave specific instructions on how to pray for, for example with attention, devotion, and courtesy (honor), with a reflective pause.

One of the forces driving the spreading of the rosary during the nineteenth century among Roman Catholics was the influence of Rosary Pope, a title given to Leo XIII (1878-1903) because he produced twelve encyclicals and five The Apostolic Letter on the rosary, instituting the Catholic custom of daily rosary prayer during October and, during 1883, added the prayer of the Holy Rosary to Loreto Loreto.

Leo XIII explains the importance of the rosary as a path to God from being faithful to mother and from him to Christ and through Christ to the Father, and that the rosary is a vital means to participate with Mary's life and to find a way to Christ. This emphasis on the way through Mary to Christ has been a key direction in Roman Catholic Mariology, with Mariology seen as inherent in Christology.

The Rosary as a family prayer is supported by Pope Pius XII in his encyclical Ingruentium malorum : "The family habit of praying the Holy Rosary is the most effective way."

Fatima gold plated Rosary â€
src: cdn.shopify.com

Structure of prayer

Basic structure

The Rosary structure is as follows:

The Rosary starts at a short path:

  • The sign of the cross on the Cross;
  • The prayer "O Lord, open my lips: O Lord, come to help me, O God, in haste to help me", still on the Cross;
  • The Apostles' Creed, still on the Cross;
  • The Lord's Prayer on the first great bead (for the purposes of the Pope and the needs of the Church);
  • Hail Mary on each of the next three beads (for three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity); and
  • The Glory Be on the next big bead.

The decade after prayer follows, repeating this cycle for every mystery:

  • Announces mystery;
  • Our Father's Prayer on big beads;
  • Salam Maria on each of the ten adjacent small beads;
  • The Glory Be in the room before the next big bead; and

To conclude:

  • The Salve Regina;
  • Loreto Litany;
  • Any further intent; and
  • The sign of the cross.

Instead of ending every decade with Gloria Patri , Pope Pius IX will add "May the souls of the faithful depart through the grace of God resting in peace." The prayer of Fatima, usually added here as a pious addition, is still in the great beads.

Pious variations and general additions

The pious general addition to the Rosary occurs after every decade and after the re-reading of the Hail Holy Queen . Some Catholics recite the Fatima Declaration Prayer at the end of every decade, preceding or following the Glory Be. Some added the Miraculous Medal prayer "O Mary, conceived without sin..." or Fatima Ave restraint ("Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!"). Others added a prayer of the Eucharistic Prayer of Eucharist "O Holy Sacrament, O Divine Sacrament, All Praise and All Thanksgiving be Your every moment" at the end of every decade of honoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In the practice of Christian School Brothers, there is an additional decade for the purpose of the students or the Virgin Mary.

After Hail, the Holy Queen of many Catholics adds a prayer "O Allah, for the sake of Your Only Begotten Son...", a prayer to Saint Michael, and a prayer for the Pope's intentions. In some cases, the Loreto Litany can be read at the end.

In the practice of the Dominican Order, the early prayer of the rosary relates to the beginning of the Divine Office:

  1. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amin.
  2. Salam Maria, full of grace, God be with You.
  3. Blessed are You among women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, Jesus.
  4. God, open my lips.
  5. And my mouth will proclaim your praise.
  6. Address your help to me, God.
  7. God, hurry to help me.
  8. The glory of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as it were at the beginning, is now, and will be forever, an endless world. Amin.

Rosary group readings

When a group recites the Rosary, it is the custom that the decades of prayer are divided into two parts. A leader can read the first part of the prayer while the other participants read the rest.

The second part of Our Father begins with, "Give us today our bread every day..."; The second part of Salam Maria begins with "Santa Maria, Mother of God..."; and the second part of Glory to the Father with "As it was in the beginning...."

In another style of praying the Rosary, the reading of the first part of prayer is sometimes entrusted to different people while retaining the traditional prayer style of Leader versus Congregation.

Among certain cultures, the first, third, and fifth mysteries are recited by a single leader while the other members of the group say the second part; the second and fourth mysteries are read by the congregation by saying the first part and the leader say the second part of the prayer.

Praying the rosary is not as difficult as you think | America Magazine
src: www.americamagazine.org

Mystery of the Rosary

The Mysteries of the Rosary is a meditation on the episodes in the life and death of Jesus from Annunciation to the Ascension and beyond, known as Joyful (or Joyous ) Mystery >, Mystery of Sorrow , and Glorious Mysteries . Each of these Mysteries contemplates the five different stages of Christ's life.

Usually fruit (spiritual purpose) is also assigned to the mystery. Below is listed from the attachment book of Louis Marie de Montfort's Secret of the Rosary for 15 original mysteries, with other fruits that may be listed in another bracketed pamphlet:

Mystery of Joy
  1. The Annunciation. The Fruit of Mystery: Humility
  2. Visits. Mystery Fruits: Love of Neighbor
  3. The birth of Jesus. Fruits of Mystery: Poverty, Detachment of the things of the world, Contempt of Riches, Love of the Poor
  4. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. The Fruit of Mystery: The Gift of Wisdom and Purity of the mind and body (Obedience)
  5. The Discovery of Jesus in the Temple. The Fruit of Mystery: True Repentance (Piety, Joy of Finding Jesus)
Mysterious Mystery
  1. The Agony in the Garden. The Fruit of Mystery: Sadness of Sin, Uniformity with God's Will
  2. The Scourging at the Pillar. The Fruit of Mystery: Forgery (Purity)
  3. The Crowning with Thorns. The Fruit of Mystery: Contempt of the World
  4. The Carrying of the Cross. The Fruit of Mystery: Patience
  5. The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord. The Fruit of Mystery: Perseverance in faith, grace for holy death (Forgiveness)
Glorious Mysteries
  1. Resurrection. The Fruit of Mystery: Faith
  2. Increase. The Fruit of Mystery: Hope, Desire to ascend to Heaven
  3. The offspring of the Holy Spirit. The Fruit of Mystery: The Love of God, the Wisdom of the Holy to know the truth and share with all people, Divine Charity, Worship of the Holy Spirit
  4. Maria's assumption. The Fruit of Mystery: The Blessing of a Happy Death and True Devotion to Mary
  5. The coronation of the Virgin. The Fruit of Mystery: Persistence and improvement in virtue (Belief in Mary's Intercession)

Pope John Paul II, in his apostolic letters Rosary Virginis Mariae (October 2002), recommended an additional set called Luminous Mysteries (or "Mystery of Light").

Luminous Mysteries (Light)
  1. The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. The Fruit of Mystery: Openness to the Holy Spirit, Healer.
  2. Marriage in Cana. The Fruit of Mystery: For Jesus through Mary. An understanding of the ability to manifest through faith.
  3. Jesus' statement about the Kingdom of God. The Fruit of Mystery: Belief in God (Conversion Call to the Messiah)
  4. Transfiguration. The Fruit of Mystery: Desire for Holiness.
  5. The Eucharist. The Fruit of Mystery: Adoration

The original Mysteries of Light was written by George Preca, the only official Maltese Catholic Saint, and later reformed by the Pope.

Prayer days

The complete rosary consists of praying all sets of mysteries, with Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious being considered a minimal amount. Alternatively, a set of five mysteries can be prayed daily, in accordance with the following conventions:

Note: It is normal to pray only the Sorrowful Mystery during the Septuagesima and Lent season, regardless of the weekday.

Official Fatima Portugal Shrine Rosary â€
src: cdn.shopify.com

Rosario beads

The beads of the rosary provide a physical method for calculating the number of words of the Hail Mary when mystery is contemplated. The fingers are moved along the beads when the prayer is read. By not having to trace the mental count, the mind is free to contemplate the mystery. A five decade rosary contains five groups of ten beads (a decade), with extra large beads before every decade. Hail Mary is said to be on ten beads in a decade, while the Lord's Prayer is said to be a great bead before every decade. A new mystery meditation starts in each of the large beads. Some of the rosaries, especially those used by religious orders, contain fifteen decades, according to fifteen traditional rosary mysteries. Both the five-and-fifteenth rosaries are attached to a shorter strand, beginning with a cross, followed by one large bead, three small beads, and one large bead, before being attached to the rest of the rosary. A five-decade rosary consists of "totals" of 59 beads.

Although counting the prayers on a string of beads is customary, the rosary prayers do not really require a set of beads, but can be said to use any type of counter, by counting on the fingers or by counting without the device at all.

One-decade roses

A decade of the rosary can also be used: worshipers count the same rings from ten beads repeatedly every decade. During religious conflicts in 16th and 17th century Ireland, severe severe penalties were prescribed against Roman Catholic practice. Hidden little rosaries are used to avoid identification and are known as the Irish penalty rosary. Sometimes, instead of crosses, other symbols of a certain meaning are used, such as a hammer to sign a nail cross, a rope to represent whipping, a cup to remember the Last Supper, or a rooster that denotes Peter's rejection.

Materials and distribution

Beads can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, bone, glass, crushed flowers, semi-precious stones such as agate, jet, amber, or jasper, or valuable materials including coral, crystal, silver, and gold. Beads can be made to include holy sacred relics or sacred water droplets. Rosary is sometimes made of "rosary" or "bead tree" seeds. Today, most of the rosary beads are made of glass, plastic or wood. It is common for beads made of material with some special meaning, such as the jet from the temple of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, or the olive seed of the Garden of Gethsemane. In rare cases the beads are made of expensive materials, from gold and silver to mothers of pearls and black diamond designs of Swarovski. Early rosaries are hung on threads, often silk, but modern ones are more often made as sequences of chain beads. Catholic missionaries in Africa have reported that rosary made from bark has been used there to pray for lack of conventional rosary. Our Lady's Rosary Makers produce about 7 million rosaries each year that are distributed to those considered economically and spiritually.

Most rosaries used in today's world have simple, inexpensive plastic or wooden beads that are connected with ropes or ropes. The main cost is the labor for assembly. A large number of cheap rosaries are produced in Asia, especially in China and Taiwan. Italy has a strong manufacturing presence in medium and high price rosaries.

Rosaries are often made for sale; hundreds of millions have also been created and distributed free of charge by lay Catholics and religious apostles around the world. There are a number of rosary clubs around the world that create and distribute rosaries to missions, hospitals, prisons, etc. Free. To comply with security precautions in prison, special rosaries are donated using fragile strings.

Using the rosary

The Divine Apostleship writes that the Virgin Mary encourages the faithful to use the rosary and scapular because "it will help them to love Jesus more" and serves as "the protection of Satan." In addition, Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort urged Christians to wear the rosary, stating that it "greatly eased him." Many religious orders use the rosary as part of their habits. A rosary that hangs in the belt often becomes part of Carthusian custom.

Canon Law Ã,§1171 states that sacred objects, intended for divine worship with dedication or blessing, should be treated with respect and not used for inappropriate or inappropriate use even if they are owned by private persons. Thus, according to Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the university of Regina Apostolorum:

If the reason for using the rosary is as a statement of faith, as a reminder to pray, or some similar reason "for the glory of God," then no one object. It would not honor to wear it just as jewelry. This last point is something to remember in the case of wearing a rosary around the neck. In the first place, though unknown, it is not a common Catholic practice.... While a Catholic can wear a rosary around the neck for a good cause, he should consider whether the practice will be understood positively in the cultural context in which the person moves. If there is a misunderstanding, it would be better to avoid the exercise.... A similar reason is observed in dealing with bracelets and rosary rings, though in this case much less danger of confusion about meaning. They are never just jewelry but are used as a sign of faith.

The rosary ring is a ring worn around the finger with 10 indentations and a cross on the surface, representing a decade of the rosary. The rosary rings have been given to several Catholic nuns at the time of her fervent profession. Rosary fingers are similar to rings, but are somewhat larger. Rosary like this is used by rotating or just holding it between finger and thumb when praying. The hand rosary is a decade in a complete circle, with one bead separated from ten other beads, it is meant to be carried while walking or running, so as not to involve a larger type. Small rosary rosaries are known as soldiers' rosaries because they are often taken into battle by soldiers, especially during World War I.

In addition to the strings of beads, the rosary of a decade is made in another physical form. The rosary rosary, also known as the "Basque Rosario," is a finger ring with eleven buttons above it, ten circles and one cross.

The rosary bracelet is one with ten beads and often a cross or a medal. Another form is the rosary card. The rosary card is a card with moving "handles" like slide rules to count the decade, or has a whole rosary with a protrusion similar to Braille and the ancient counting system. Some households who can not afford Christian art or crucifix close the vow. In addition, many Christians hang the rosary out of their car's rearview mirror as a sign of their faith and for protection as they drive.

Rosario and Scapular

"Rosary and Scapular can not be separated" are words attributed to the Virgin Mary by Lucia Santos, one of three children who reported Mary's apparition from Our Lady of FÃÆ'¡tima in 1917 and later the appearance of Pontevedra in 1925. In apparitions this, the Virgin Mary reportedly called herself the Lady of the Rosary and in one of FÃÆ'¡tima's last appearances on October 13, 1917 had Brown Scapular in one hand and the Rosary in the other. The Lady of the Rosary is reportedly encouraging the Rosary prayer and wearing a Brown Scapular.

Throughout history, the Rosary and Scapular as objects for devotion and prayer have been encouraged and attributed by a number of popes, and special indulgences have been attached to them.

Large Handmade Catholic Rosary Beads
src: cdn3.volusion.com

Contents based on the rosary

The use of Novenas which includes the popular rosaries among Roman Catholics. As in other Novenas, the traditional method consists of praying the rosary on nine consecutive days, and petitioning along with each prayer. Indulgences are provided for Novenas rosaries that include certain prayers, for example a prayer for Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Dominic.

"Rosario Novena" 54 days longer consists of two parts, each 27 days, ie three repetitions of the Novena cycle of 9 days. This is an uninterrupted series of Rosary in honor of the Virgin Mary, reported as a personal revelation by Fortuna Agrelli in Naples, Italy, in 1884. Novena is done by praying five decades of the Rosary every day for twenty-seven days in a petition. The second phase that followed immediately consisted of five decades each day for twenty-seven days in thanksgiving, and was prayed for whether or not the petition had been given. During the novena, meditation rotates between pleasant, grief-filled and noble mysteries.

The rosary beads are sometimes used to say prayers based on a rosary that does not primarily involve the Hail Mary and the mystery of the rosary. Some forms of Roman Catholic rosaries are meant as reparations including the sins of others . An example is the Holy Wound Rosary first introduced in the early twentieth century by His Excellency Marie Martha Chambon, a Roman Catholic nun from the Monastery of the Visit Order in Chambà © à © ry, France. This rosary is somewhat similar in the structure of the Divine Mercy Chaplet introduced by Saint Faustina Kowalska telling of the ordinary beads of rosaries and meant as a Reparations to Jesus Christ for the sins of the world. These prayers often use the beads of the rosary, but their words and format do not conform to Mystery. Good Kowa? Ska and Chambon associate these prayers with the vision of Jesus.

Rosario Recording

The recording of the rosary prayer is sometimes used by worshipers to help with aspects of prayer such as pacing, recitation, and by providing inspirational meditation. Some of the better known include:

  • Rosary is the Place, Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR and Simonetta, the Saint Philomena Foundation
  • Rosary is Light Place, Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR and Simonetta, the Saint Philomena Foundation
  • Rosario, Fr. Kevin Scallon and Dana, Heartbeats Note
  • Pray for the Rosary with the Servant of God, Father. Patrick Peyton

In non-Catholic Christianity

Many similar prayer practices exist in other Christian communities, each with its own set of prayers and the form of its own rosary, such as the prayer rope in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Other devotions and related beads are usually referred to as "chaplets." The rosary is sometimes used by other Christians, especially in Lutheranism, Anglican Communion, and the Old Catholic Church.

Other examples of Rosary-based prayer include the non-denominational Ecumenical Rosary Miracle, "a set of prayers and meditations that encompass the important moments in the New Testament."


The use of the Catholic Rosary is quite common among Anglicans of the Anglo-Catholic church. Many Anglo-Catholic prayer books and devotional books contain Roman Catholic Rosary along with other devotions of Mary. The public service of the Anglican churches, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer, does not directly call the Blessed Virgin or any other saint in prayer because the Thirty-Nine Articles reject the practice of praying to the saints, but many Anglo-Catholics feel free to do it in their personal devotion. Anglican people who pray the Roman Catholic Rosary tend not to use Mystery Mystery or Fathima decade prayers.

Anglican prayer beads, also known informally as "Anglican Rosary," is a new innovation made in the 1980s. They consist of four "weeks" (equivalent to a decade) of seven beads each. The weeks are separated from each other by single beads called "beads of the cross." Different prayers can be said, most commonly the Prayer of Jesus.

Anglican prayer beads are not devotion of Mary, and no meditation is appointed. Although sometimes called "Anglican rosary ," this is different from the Rosary of the Virgin Mary as prayed by other Catholics, Anglicans, and Western Christians.


A small part of the Lutherans pray the Rosary. However, when using the Catholic Rosary format, each "Hail Mary" is replaced with "Jesus Prayer." The only time "Hail Mary" is said to be at the end of the Mystery on the medal, where it is subsequently replaced with the "Pre-Trent" version of the prayer (which removes the "Holy Mother, the mother of God, praying for us sinners, now and when we die "). The last "Hail Mary" can also be replaced by reciting a prayer of Martin Luther's "Magnificat," or "The Evangelical praise from Mother of God." The Wreath of Christ is used in the Swedish Lutheran church.

Church named for Rosary

For a larger church image gallery, please see : the Rosary church gallery.

A number of churches around the world are named after the Rosary. It ranges from small churches in Poland, Canada, Brazil and Hong Kong to key basilicas in Lourdes and Fatima with millions of pilgrims a year.. Roman Catholic Churches around the world are named in honor of the rosary including: The Virgin Temple of the Rosario Pompei in Italy , Our Lady of Rosario Basilica in the seat of the Archdiocese of Rosario province, Argentina; Holy Place of Our Lady of Rosario San NicolÃÆ'¡s in the suffragan diocese near San NicolÃÆ'¡s de los Arroyos, Rosario Basilica di Lourdes, and Nossa Senhora do RosÃÆ'¡rio in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Dalam seni Maria

Sejak abad ke-17, Rosario mulai muncul sebagai elemen dalam bagian-bagian kunci seni Katolik Roma Marian. Contoh-contoh kunci termasuk Murrillo's Madonna with the Rosary di Museo del Prado di Spanyol dan patung Madonna with Rosary di gereja San Nazaro Maggiore di Milan.

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Referensi umum

Bacaan lebih lanjut

Tautan eksternal

  • "Cara Berdoa Rosario", sebuah pamflet
  • Rosario Web Abadi, rosario interaktif

Source of the article : Wikipedia
