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EU-wide Operations Identify Child Trafficking and Migrant ...
src: expertlegalreview.com

Child trafficking (aka "Child Labor" and "Child Exploitation") is a form of human trafficking and is defined as "child recruiting, transportation, transfer, storing and/or receiving" for purposes of slavery, forced labor and exploitation This definition is substantially broader than the same document definition of "trafficking in persons" Children can also be traded for adoption purposes.

Although statistics on child trafficking are difficult to obtain, the International Labor Organization estimates that 1.2 million children are trafficked each year. Trafficking of children has been recognized internationally as a serious crime that exists in every region of the world and which often has human rights implications. However, it has only been in the last decade that the prevalence and consequences of this practice have risen to prominence internationally, due to the dramatic increase in research and public action. Potential solutions have been suggested and implemented, which can be categorized as four types of action: broad protection, prevention, law enforcement, and victim assistance.

The major international documents dealing with children trafficking are the U.N. Conventions 1989 on the Rights of the Child, 1999 I.L.O. Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention and the 2000 UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.

Video Trafficking of children


The first major international instrument dealing with child trafficking was part of the 2000 UN protocol of Palermo, entitled Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. Article 3 (a) This document defines child trafficking as "recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment and/or acceptance" of a child for the purpose of exploitation. The definition of child trafficking provided here applies only to transnational cases of trade and/or involving organized criminal groups; Apart from this, child trafficking is now usually well known beyond these parameters. The International Labor Organization extends this definition by asserting that movement and exploitation are key aspects of child trafficking. The definition of "child" used herein is contained in the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child stating, "a child means every human being under the age of 18, except, under the law applicable to the child, the majority is reached earlier." The differences outlined in this definition are important, as some countries have chosen to set a "majority age" lower than 18, thus affecting exactly what is legally child trafficking.

Related legal instruments

Many international, regional, and national instruments deal with the trafficking of children. These instruments are used to define what is legally a trafficking of children, so appropriate legal action can be taken against those involved and promote this practice. These legal instruments are referred to by various terms, including conventions, protocols, memoranda, joint actions, recommendations, and declarations. The most significant instruments are listed below:

International human rights instruments

This legal instrument was developed by the United Nations in efforts to protect international human rights and, more specifically, the rights of children.

  • U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
  • U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989

Labor and migration agreement

Trafficking often involves labor and migration. Thus, this international framework clarifies the example of where these practices are illegal.

  • I.L.O. Minimum Age Convention, 1973
  • I.L.O. Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999
    • I.L.O. Worst Forms of Child Labor Recommendation No. 190, 1999
  • I.L.O. Forced Labor Convention, 1930
  • I.L.O. Migrant Workers Convention (Revised), 1949
  • UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, 1990

Trading-specific instruments

  • Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, 2000
  • Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons, 2002
  • The Hague Convention on Child Protection and Cooperation in Intercity Adoption

Regional instruments

Various regional instruments have also been developed to guide countries in decisions on child trafficking. Below are some of the main instruments, although many others exist:

  • The Council of Europe Convention on Anti-Trafficking Action (Series Agreement No. 197), 2005
  • Communications to the European Parliament and the COM Board (2005) 514 Final
  • Multilateral cooperation agreement to combat trafficking in persons, especially women and children, in West and Central Africa, 2006
  • Mekong subregional cooperation agreement to combat human trafficking (COMMIT), 2004

National law

National laws relating to child trafficking continue to flourish throughout the world, based on established international principles. The anti-trafficking law has been hailed as crucial by the United Nations Global Initiative to Combat Trafficking in Persons, as it ensures that traffickers and trafficking victims are treated accordingly: for example, "if migration laws are used to pursue perpetrators human trafficking, it is often the case that victims are also prosecuted as illegal migrants, whereas if there is a specific category of 'traders' and 'trafficked persons', then most likely victims will be treated as such. "The existence of national legislation on child trafficking also allows trafficking victims and/or their families to take civil action.

Maps Trafficking of children

Child trafficking type

The use of a child's intended or actual after-sales is not always known.

Forced labor

Child trafficking targets often force child labor. Child labor refers specifically to children under the prescribed minimum age, usually 14 at the lowest, who are required to work. UNICEF estimates that, in 2011, 150 million children aged 5-14 years in developing countries are involved in child labor. In this figure, the International Labor Organization reports that 60% of child laborers work in agriculture. The ILO also estimates that 115 million children are engaged in hazardous work, such as the sex trade or drugs. Overall, child labor can take many forms, including domestic helpers, work in agriculture, services, and manufacturing industries. Also, according to some researchers, most children are forced into cheap and controllable labor, and work in homes, farms, factories, restaurants and more (Beyrer 16; Gozdziak and MacDonnell 171; Vinkovic 88). Trafficked children can be sexually exploited, used in armed forces and drug trafficking, and in begging children. In terms of global trends, the ILO estimates that in 2004-2008, there was a 3% reduction in the incidence of child labor; This is in contrast to previous ILO reports which found that in 2000-2004, there was a 10% reduction in child labor. The ILO believes that, globally, child labor is slowly declining, except in sub-Saharan Africa, where the number of child labor is relatively constant: 1 in 4 children aged 5-17 work in the region. Another major global trend concerns the number of child laborers in the age group of 15-17: in the last five years, a 20% increase in the number of child laborers has been reported. Surprising examples have occurred in the United States such as McCabe (2008) pointed out that in the 1990s, large companies like Gap and Nike used sweatshop industries that used trafficked children to make the products they wanted (p 81).

Sexual_exploitation "> Sexual exploitation

The Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography is the Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, formally adopted by the United Nations in 2000. In essence, the protocol formally requires states to prohibit the sale of children, prostitution children, and child pornography. According to the International Labor Organization, sexual exploitation of children includes all of the following practices and activities:

  • "The use of girls and boys in sexual activity is paid in cash or in kind (commonly known as child prostitution) on the streets or indoors, in places such as prostitution, discotheques, massage parlors, bars, hotels, restaurants, etc. "
  • "Trafficking of girls and boys and girls to the sex trade"
  • "Child sex tourists"
  • "Production, promotion, and distribution of pornography involving children"
  • "Children's use in sex shows (public or private)"

While measuring the extent to which this practice is difficult because of its criminal and secret nature, the International Labor Organization estimates that there are as many as 1.8 million sexually trafficked children worldwide, while UNICEF's 2006 World Children Report reported this amount to 2 million. The International Labor Organization has found that girls engaged in other forms of child labor - such as household services or street sellers - are at the highest risk of being withdrawn into the commercial sex trade. Likewise, Kendall and Funk justify how "young girls age 12 and under are soft and more easily trained into their prospective role as prostitutes, and because virginity is highly valued by certain consumers willing to pay premiums" (31). Various sources, including the ILO, and scholars Erin Kunze and DM Hughes, also argue that increased use and availability of the Internet has served as a major source for traders, ultimately increasing the incidence of child sex trafficking. In fact, in 2009, Illinois Sheriff Thomas J. Dart sued the owner of Craigslist, a popular online classifieds website, for "pocket money" and "facilitation" of prostitution, especially in children. In response to public and legal pressure, Craigslist has blocked all access to the "Adult Services" section.

Children in the armed forces

The Optional Protocol on Child Involvement in Armed Conflict is the protocol of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, formally adopted by the United Nations in 2000. Essentially, the protocol states that while volunteers under the age of 18 may voluntarily join the armed forces, they can not be required. As the Protocol reads, "States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that members of their armed forces who have not reached the age of 18 years do not take a direct part in hostilities." Nevertheless, the International Labor Organization estimates that "tens of thousands" of girls and boys are now forcibly registered in the armed forces in at least 17 countries around the world. Children compulsory conscription can be used in three different ways:

  • Direct role in hostilities (combat role)
  • Supporting roles (such as messengers or spies)
  • For political gain (as for propaganda purposes)

Recent research conducted by the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers has also noted that women soldiers should be uniquely recognized, as they are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence. The incident of child soldiers is the focus of the 2012 Kony movement, which aims to capture Joseph Kony, a Ugandan war criminal who is responsible for the trafficking of thousands of child soldiers and sex slaves.

Children in drug trafficking

Children are also used in drug trafficking in all regions of the world. In particular, children are often trafficked into exploitation as couriers or drug traffickers, and then 'paid' in drugs, so they become addicted and increasingly trapped. Due to the illicit nature of drug trafficking, captured children are often treated as criminals, when in reality they are often in need of legal assistance. Although comprehensive worldwide statistics on the prevalence of this practice are unknown, several useful regional studies have been conducted. For example, I.L.O recently investigated the use of Afghan children in heroin trade and child involvement in drug trafficking in Brazil. Bachelor of Luke Dowdney specifically studied children in drug trafficking in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; He found that children involved in drug trafficking are at higher risk of engaging in violence, especially murder.

Children begging

Forcing a child to beg is a type of beggar where boys and girls under the age of eighteen are forced to beg through psychological and physical coercion. Begging is defined by the Buffalo Human Rights Law Review as "the activity of asking for money as a charity on the road". There is evidence to suggest that forced beggars are one of the industries where children are trafficked, with a recent UNICEF study reporting that 13% of trafficking victims in Southern Eastern Europe have been trafficked for forced begging purposes. The Protocol of the United Nations affirms that "recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment or acceptance of a child for the purpose of exploitation should be considered 'trafficking in persons' even if this does not involve any of the means set out in subparagraph (a) of this article. this, the transport of a child to an urban center for the purpose of begging is human trafficking regardless of whether this process is imposed by a third party or a family member. The severity of this form of trade begins to gain global recognition, with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the European Union, the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the United Nations, among other things, beginning to emphasize its accuracy. The Brussels EU Brussels Declaration on Trade Prevention and Countermeasures includes children begging as a form of human trafficking, stating "human trafficking is a disgusting and worrying phenomenon involving forced sexual exploitation, labor exploitation in conditions similar to slavery, exploitation in begging and juvenile delinquency and domestic help. "This problem is very difficult to set up considering that begging forcibly is often imposed by family members, with the power of parents being exploited on a child to ensure that begging is done.


By definition, begging for children occurs in people younger than eighteen, even though forced beggars have been discovered by UNICEF to exist among children as young as two years old. The incidents of this practice have been recorded by the World Bank in South and Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and West Africa.

Most studies, such as research conducted by UNICEF, show that boys are much more likely than girls to be trafficked for begging; experts consider this because there is a greater presence of women in commerce for the purpose of sexual exploitation. In Albania, where forced begging is a common practice, seventy percent of victims are male.

Although concrete figures are difficult to determine, the International Labor Organization (ILO) recently reported that there are at least 600,000 children involved in forced beggars. The problem may be much broader, however, the Chinese Civil Affairs Department reported that as many as 1.5 million children were forced to beg. In addition, a recent study conducted in Senegal by Human Rights Watch projected that at least 50,000 children in the country and neighboring countries had been trafficked for begging purposes. Begging is often a major source of income for street children in a number of countries, with recent research conducted by UNICEF found that 45.7% of children working on the streets of Zimbabwe are involved in beggars, although there is no way of knowing whether it is through forced way.

Gang networks involving forced beggars have been found to occur in populations of 500 or greater.


Children can be trafficked for adoption purposes, especially international adoption. Children are sourced from orphanages or abducted, or parents may be deceived, persuaded or forced to give up custody. An unfavorable international adoption agency then regulates international adoption, charging high fees to prospective adoptive parents. The Hague Convention on Child Protection and Co-operation in relation to the Inter-States Adoption is an international treaty designed to protect children from such exploitation and to assist in preventing the adoption of such illegal states.


Economic factors

Forcing beggars is a profitable practice in which the exploiters are motivated by economic incentives. The business structure of large rings of children trafficked for begging purposes has been checked in proportion to medium-sized business firms. In the most severe cases the network of children forced to beg can earn $ 30-40,000 USD for profiteers. Although the family network is not very extensive, research conducted in Albania shows that families with many children pleading can earn up to fifteen euros a day, an amount greater than the national teacher's average salary. Anti-Slavery International asserts that because this income is relatively high, many families believe it is the best option available given the lack of existing capabilities. Capacity reduction, which means the lack of a regular, adequate resource that works in facilitating opportunities, can explain the practice of generations of beggars in the family. UNICEF research finds that begging is very common among families where parents can not afford in some ways, making children as the sole provider.

Political factors

According to the World Bank, begging forcibly is the most commonly found in the Middle East and West African countries, where a law that forbids beggars is a scarce and unwieldy trade rule of a rare person. In Zimbabwe, where children beg for great prominence, the United Nations has shown many contradictions between the Zimbabwe Labor Law and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Many countries, such as Indonesia, have laws not to appeal to the books, but their impact on such temporary detention and release eventually returns to the streets, which do not overcome this problem.

Cultural factors

There are several cultural factors that support beggars. In Europe, begging is found in a number of minority cultures, especially popular in the Roman and nomadic communities. In Turkey the network of beggar families has been documented in three generations, making it ingrained in their survival scheme. It is important to note that while this may be a culturally rooted practice, young people begging through family pressure are still under the area of ​​forced begging. The transport of children, even their own, for the purpose of exploitation through beggars is a form of trade outlined by the United Nations.

Another cultural practice is the settlement of family debt through the abduction and exploitation of one of their children.

General harassment

UNICEF has found that children who are forced to beg by third parties are often excluded from their families, giving up most of their income to exploiters, taking on unsafe and sometimes unsecured work and living conditions to increase profits. The crippling process, popularized by the Slumdog Millionaire film, is common because according to the Buffalo Human Rights Law Review, children with obvious special needs often make up more than three times that of other begging children. In addition to illnesses such as blindness and loss of limbs, other physical violations for the purpose of increasing profits include pouring chillies on the child's tongue to give the impression of stunted speech, the use of opium to provoke crying, and the imposition of forced injections of drugs that will increase the energy and alertness of the child. Testimonies against ring trade ring gangs have addressed the detention of individuals in small cells without food, water, and light to make victims weak and weak, and thus more likely to contribute to donations.

Conditions in which begging occurs usually expose children to further physical and verbal abuse, including sexual victimization and police brutality. The research completed by Human Rights Watch reveals that when the begging hours are completed for the days the children often do not have adequate shelter, adequate food, or access to the health care in which they live. In addition, many gangs that run a network of forced beggars have heavy drug involvement, so children under their control often turn into drug addicts to become more dependent on their exploits.

Long-term implications

Research has shown that children are forced to beg, especially receiving little or no education, with more than sixteen hours a day dedicated to time on the streets. With education being the primary method of poverty eradication, child beggars have been shown to engage in a cyclical process of continuing this practice across generations. Interviews conducted by UNICEF show that begging children have little hope for the future and do not believe their situation will improve. Children working on the streets usually have little or no knowledge of their rights, making them particularly vulnerable to exploitation both as teenagers and later as adults. The begging children have also been found by UNICEF to have a higher incidence of HIV infection due to lack of awareness and street supervision.


International action

The victim-centered human rights approach to combating human trafficking has been internationally recognized as the best strategy when addressing this issue, with the help of focusing on punishing exploiters and rehabilitating children. Some countries that emphasize this method include the United States, with the 2000 US Commerce Victims Protection Act that affirms that "heavy trafficking victims should not be imprisoned improperly, fined, or punished simply for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of traded. "

Other supported methods, such as those outlined by the Center for Human Rights of Buffaloes, include relying on three Ps: protection, prosecution, and prevention. Protection begins by applying strict action to trade and beggar issues. For many countries, the first step is the criminalization of beggars and trafficking. Prosecutions must be institutionalized in the form of greater legal consequences for traders, with punishments focused on exploiters rather than being exploited. This becomes difficult with regard to family trafficking victims, as this will require changes in care placement and close monitoring of the welfare of displaced children. Many organizations affirm that prevention begins by minimizing donations and improving services so that children, and families as a whole, have greater capabilities. Despite good intentions, by giving money to beggars, individuals only make this practice more profitable, and soon these funds find their way into the hands of child abusers.

Government response

In Senegal, where violations of talibes are so wide, there are several initiatives with the help of the World Bank to end this exploitation. First, there is intervention at the community level with education on the validity of some Koran institutions provided for rural villages that usually send their children there. This is supported by better school regulation within countries to ensure that they remain a place of education, followed by greater enforcement of pre-existing laws that prohibit exploitative trade and beggars. Finally, rehabilitation services have been provided with the help of CSOs to restore children to give them the abilities they have rejected.

In Zimbabwe's policy has been adjusted to ensure the safety of all persons under the age of sixteen with the Child Protection and Adoption Act, however, the government recognizes that lack of resources and capital plays an important role in inadequate enforcement.

In Bangladesh, where there are about 700,000 beggars, a law passed in 2009 prohibits the practice, though officials report some issues with law enforcement.

In China, the Ministry of Public Security has established a ministry focusing solely on child trafficking. Recently the department has set up a hotline in which people call 110 to report allegations of forced involuntary incidents, which law enforcement officials are expected to investigate further. Police are trained to bring children to detention if blood relations with their guardians can not be established, and educate parents about the illegality and dangers of beggars if they are those responsible for the child's actions. The policy adopted in April 2009 has led to the recovery of 9,300 children.

NGO initiative

Many NGOs have initiated a focused movement to inform the public about the dangers of donations. As UNICEF recently reported "certain behaviors, such as giving money to child beggars can also indirectly motivate traders and controllers to prosecute children." Stop Children's Project Begging from the Mirror Foundation Thailand is one of the organizations that emphasizes the removal of requests. Their initiative focused on educating passers-by about forcible coercion of Cambodian people trafficked in their country to reduce the possibility of donations.

Other methods

In China, where kidnapping and coercion of forced children have been documented on a regular basis, the multi-media movement has begun. Here, the blog is used to publish more than 3,000 photos of children whose families believe they have been kidnapped for the purpose of begging, with hundreds of thousands of followers still searching for these children in the center of the big city. This campaign has allowed at least six children to be restored and reunited with their families.

In cases where religious begging is approved, it has been suggested by USAid that religious leaders must outwardly condemn this practice. For talibes, religious leaders have been asked to take a stand against forgiveness using the verses contained in the Qur'an, such as "Unless heaven, you must not beg for anything for God" (8:23), which will help disarm the practice its religious foundations. In addition, during the Clinton presidency, the former president of the United States, he took the responsibility to provide protection against child abuse through Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that could help law enforcement track suspicious activity including child pornography (McCabe, 2008, p. Ã, 247).

Children exchange

In China, in response to adult hunger, some children are exchanged, killed, and eaten. According to Robyn Meredith, "peasants [in the People's Republic of China (probably in BC770)] are transformed into skeletons, including peoples of Xiaogang, Ã,.... [Among several families hunger [,] were forced to practice called ???? [meaning "to exchange children for meals"]:... they trafficked children to neighboring children, then killed and ate a skinny young man , with the sickening knowledge that their neighbors devoured themselves. "

This practice is also known as "re-homing" or "adoption of disorder".

Sales motivated by cash

In ancient Rome, according to Keith Bradley, Augustine wrote that "there are fakir parents who sell their children because they need cash."

In contemporary Nepal, parents of poor families sell their children to an orphanage (or sometimes leave it off without payment). The orphanage then misrepresents them as "orphans", ensuring income for the orphanage.

Family Court of the District of Columbia Superior Court | Welcome ...
src: www.dccourts.gov


In general, child trafficking occurs in three stages: recruitment, movement, and exploitation. Recruitment occurs when a child is approached by a recruiter, or in some cases, directly approaches the recruiter itself. Recruitment begins in various ways: adolescents may be under pressure to contribute to their families, children may be kidnapped or abducted into trafficking, or families may be traded together. Then, the movement will take place - locally, regionally, and/or internationally - through various types of transportation, including by car, train, boat, or foot. Ultimately, the ultimate goal of child trafficking is exploitation, in which traders use the services of children to gain illegal profits. Exploitation can occur in various forms, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, and child beggars, among other practices.

Request and offer template

Child trafficking is often conceptualized using a supply and demand model of the economy. In particular, those traded are "supply", while traders, and all those who benefit from exploitation, provide "demand". Two types of demand are defined: consumer demand and derived requests. Consumer demand is generated by people who are actively or passively buying traded labor products or services. An example of this is the tourists who buy t-shirts made by trafficked children. Demand derived, on the other hand, is generated by people who directly benefit from trade practices, such as pimps or corrupt factory owners. Scholar Kevin Bales has extensively studied the application of this economic framework for examples of human trafficking; he argues that it is the center of an accurate understanding of how trade begins and is sustainable. Bales, along with Elizabeth M. Wheaton scholars, Edward J. Schauer, and Thomas V. Galli, have asserted that national governments should be more actively implementing policies that reduce both types of demand, thus working towards the elimination of human trafficking.

Social mechanism

International organizations, including the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Global Initiative to Combat Trafficking in Persons, have linked trafficking of children to poverty: Living in poverty has been found to increase the vulnerability of children to trafficking. However, poverty is just one of the many social "risk factors" that can lead to trade. As UNICEF and the World Bank noted, "Often children experience multiple risk factors at the same time, and one of them can act as a trigger that makes a trade event work, sometimes called 'poverty plus', a situation in where poverty does not necessarily lead to trafficked persons, but where 'plus' factors such as illness join poverty to increase vulnerability. UNICEF, UN.GIFT and some scholars, including Una Murray and Mike Dottridge, also believe that an accurate understanding on child trafficking should include an analysis of gender inequality. In particular, in many countries, girls are at higher risk of being trafficked, especially in sexual exploitation. In addition, these international institutions and scholars contend that voting equally and equally in anti-trafficking policies is essential to reduce the incidence of child trafficking.

Studies across Europe have identified risks that make children vulnerable to exploitation that are also the causes and factors that contribute to child trafficking. These include social and economic marginalization, dysfunctional family background, abandonment experience, harassment or violence within the family or institution, exploitative relationships, gender-based violence and discrimination, life experiences or working on the streets, erratic and irregular migration situations, aspirations for work and to earn money and limited opportunities to enter or remain in school, job training or regular work. Since national government efforts to improve social safety nets can reduce many of these risks, child trafficking is considered not only the result of criminal activity, but also indicates a weakness in the ability of national governments to effectively protect children's rights for safe and healthy development..

Are You Out There Mom And Dad? | The Wren Project
src: thewrenproject.files.wordpress.com


The complex definition of child trafficking and differences in national law and interpretation make the identification of trafficking children difficult. For example, the European debate on child trafficking has no consensus on how child trafficking should be distinguished from other exploitative contexts, from migrant social accumulation, child selling and migrant smuggling.

When a potential victim comes in contact with state authorities, identifying children as trafficking victims takes time. This process often benefits from a thorough understanding of children's stories. For children with legal issues, hearing the full story of the child helps the social worker and the officer determines whether the child is actually a victim of the crime itself, such as exploitation, harassment, or trafficking. For a child in an administrative process, such as an asylum procedure, hear a complete story of a child helping a social worker to detect a trade case. Children may be hesitant to share their complete story with the designated child welfare authorities and professionals. Some service providers have found that building trust and stable relationships with children encourages increased disclosure of exploitation and trade experiences that may not be detected. The process of establishing trust can include the provision of assistance and support services to ensure security, welfare, and development.

Victims of trafficked persons who are identified are entitled to special protection that all child victims of crime are entitled under international law. This protection includes the right to guardianship, legal and representative assistance, safety and protection, support for physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration, regularization of immigration status, right to compensation, and the right to act as a party, or plaintiff, in criminal proceedings. The important protection for trafficked children who have been exploited in illegal or criminal activities is the 'non-punishment clause'. This means that children victims of criminal offenses, including trafficking in persons, must be protected from sanctions or prosecutions for the actions they take in relation to their situation as victims.

Articles 19 and 32-36 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibit the exploitation of children in any form and in any context. Any child affected by violence, exploitation or abuse may be considered a crime victim and enjoy the rights and related rights, including access to assistance, protection and support, services for recovery and rehabilitation, access to justice, with reasonable procedural safeguards in all processes related law or administration. Children at risk of exploitation should be identified and recognized as a person at risk. This means that they have the right to help and support to prevent exploitation or other hazards posed by risk. Considering the difficulties of identifying trafficked children and the broad protection of all forms and contexts of exploitation provided under the Convention, a rights-based approach prioritizes the identification of exploited child victims or other crimes and at-risk children. Whether exploitation occurs within the context of trade is the subordinate's relevance to children's rights and the context of protection. This may be of particular interest to law enforcement and prosecution investigations.

Human Trafficking Of Children - Concept Photo Stock Image - Image ...
src: thumbs.dreamstime.com


It is difficult to get a reliable estimate of the number of children trafficked each year, primarily because of the covert and criminal nature of this practice. It often takes years to collect and make estimates of child trafficking and, as a result, data may appear inadequate and outdated. This data collection process is only complicated by the fact that very few countries are publishing a national estimate of child trafficking. As a result, widely available statistics are considered to underestimate the true scope of the problem.


Trafficking of children has been documented in every region of the world. The most reliable figures on the prevalence of this practice are provided by the International Labor Organization, which estimates that 1.2 million children are trafficked annually; these estimates include cross-border and internal trade.


Regionally, the International Labor Organization has provided the following for child trafficking by region per year:

  • Asia/Pacific: 250,000 children
  • Latin America & amp; Caribbean: 550,000 children
  • Africa: 200,000 children
  • Economic transition: 200,000 children
  • Advanced country/industry: unknown

As the figures indicate above, child trafficking occurs most often in Latin America and the Caribbean. Child trafficking is also the most common in developing countries, although it occurs in developed and industrialized countries as well. In particular, the US State Department publishes an annual report "Trafficking in Persons" which provides much data on the prevalence of trafficking in persons and children in most countries. The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work released a study that estimates that as many as 300,000 American youth may be at risk of commercial sexual exploitation at any time.


Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt, Wife For Sale , id. , p. 165. and the price, drawing from limited data, "seems to be quite high".

GPS Technology To Combat Child Trafficking
src: www.easytracgps.com


Children and family

According to UN.GIFT, child trafficking has the most significant impact on trafficked children and their families. First, trafficking can result in death or permanent injury to trafficked children. This may stem from the dangerous stages of "movement" of the trade or from specific aspects of the "exploitation" stage, such as hazardous working conditions. Moreover, trafficked children often do not get access to health care, which effectively increases their chances of serious injury and death. Trafficked children also often experience domestic violence; they may be beaten or starved to ensure obedience. In addition, these children often experience substance abuse; they can be given drugs as "payments" or to ensure that they become addicted and thus depend on their trader (s). Contrary to many other forms of crime, the trauma experienced by trafficked children is often prolonged and repetitive, leading to severe psychological consequences. UN.GIFT reports that trafficked children often suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, among other conditions.

The effects on the family are also severe. Some families believe that sending or allowing their children to move in search of work will bring in extra income, while in reality many families will never see their children being trafficked again. In addition, UN.GIFT has found that certain forms of trade, especially sexual exploitation of girls, bring "shame" to families. So, in certain cases, children who can get away with trading can return to their families only to find that they are rejected and excommunicated.


Child trafficking has also been shown to have a profound effect on society. If many children in one community are trafficked, it can cause the whole community to be tampered with, and thus destroyed, by trafficking. Social development efforts are hampered, as the education of trafficked children becomes short. As a result of this lack of education, children who fled from trade may be less able to find work later on. In addition, trafficked girls face special obstacles, because their marriage prospects will be reduced if people become aware that they have been trafficked, especially in sexual exploitation.


At the national level, economic development is severely hampered by the lack of education of trafficked children; this resulted in a large loss of potential future productive workers. Children who make it back to their families often cause significant financial burdens, due to lack of education, and the illness and injury they may experience during the trading process. There are huge costs associated with the rehabilitation of these trafficked children, so they can successfully participate in their communities. In addition, child trafficking persistence demonstrates continued criminal activity and criminal networks, which in many cases, are also drug-related and violent. As a result, UN.GIFT has referred to child trafficking as a significant indicator of national and global security threats.

Time's Up!
src: 2.bp.blogspot.com

Proposed solution

Solutions for child trafficking, or "anti-trafficking", can be classified into four categories:

  • Extensive protection: "To prevent children and former victims from re-trafficking"
  • Prevention: "From the crime of child trafficking and exploitation which is the end result"
  • Law enforcement: "Especially in the context of work and related to labor laws and regulations"
  • Protection: "all steps towards redress for their grievances, rehabilitation, and help build it."

Extensive safeguards are targeted at potentially trafficked children, and include raising awareness about child trafficking, particularly in vulnerable communities. This type of outreach also includes policies directed at improving the economic status of vulnerable families, so that plausible alternatives are available to them, in addition to sending their children to work. Examples include improving employment opportunities for adults and conditional cash transfer programs. Other major protection programs that have been supported by UN.GIFT, I.L.O, and UNICEF involve facilitating gender equality, in particular by improving the access of boys and girls to an affordable and quality education. Another way to raise awareness for child trafficking is with communities from around the world who dedicate one week to this situation. Observe the Day of Human Trafficking Awareness 2012 in the US, and the wider world. Community groups together with police enforcement collaborated to organize events and in-depth information sessions and support groups for the victims. Community events can include movies, guest speakers, booths, and more that can help people understand the seriousness of the issue. ICE (Human Trafficking) has a victim assistance line and awareness-raising in the US community through the ICE In Plain Sight Campaign.

Preventive measures are more focused on handling the real practice of child trafficking, in particular by applying a legal framework aimed at preventing and prosecuting merchants. This involves the adoption and application of international labor standards of the International Labor Organization, as well as the development of safe and legal migration practices.

Law enforcement refers to the actual prosecution of traffickers; UNICEF states that successful prosecution of child traffickers is the surest way to send a message that child trafficking will not be tolerated. Traders can be "caught" in one of three trade steps: recruitment, movement, and/or exploitation; the anti-trafficking laws and child labor laws must be properly enforced and apply them appropriately. The development of a grassroots monitoring system has also been proposed by UNICEF that will enable the public to immediately report signs of trafficking to authorities.

Protection begins first with victim identification; child trafficking laws should specifically and precisely define what constitutes a "victim of trafficking". Legal proceedings must exist to remove children from trading situations, and return them to their families or other appropriate arrangements. Victims should also be given individual and supportive physical and psychological rehabilitation to build themselves. This recovery can take a long time, but, with individuals who have the right support, they can work toward functional life. Finally, steps should be taken to avoid "double victimization" - in other words, to ensure that trafficked children are treated as victims, and not as criminals. An example of "double sacrifice" is a child who is trafficked illegally into sexual exploitation in the United States, and then, after being free from trafficking, is prosecuted for being an illegal migrant.

Relevant organizations

Many organizations have proposed potential solutions to trafficking in children. These organizations continue to conduct research on these practices and policies that can be implemented to work towards their eradication. The most internationally recognized organizations include:

  • The United Nations
  • Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT)
  • The International Labor Organization
  • Department of State of the United States
  • ECPAT International

Human Trafficking Of Children - Concept Photo Stock Image - Image ...
src: thumbs.dreamstime.com

In popular culture

  • Simple Proposals , by Jonathan Swift, is an ironic fiction that proposes the sale of children to save Ireland from starvation; the proposal was not meant to be literal.
  • In China, White Haired Girl , opera, film and ballet, including, according to Frank DikÃÆ'¶tter, a peasant princess sold by the owner and creditor, who had caught him from a farmer whose father, become a slave
  • In the Avicii video for the song For Better Days, this mini-story revolves around two exploited children who take revenge on their exploiter
  • In the Guardians of the Galaxy, Yondu picked up Star-Lord from childhood because his father asked him to do it, but Yondu even raised him.

5 Inspiring Quotes That Will Make You Want To ACT to Fight Child ...
src: worldofchildren.org

See also

  • Child care
  • Child wash
  • Child sales
  • Child trafficking in India
  • Bonds payable
  • Work exploits
  • Forced labor
  • Forced Prostitution
  • Trafficking in Georgia (country)
  • International kidnapping
  • List of international instruments relevant to the worst forms of child labor
  • Children in an emergency and conflict
  • Refugee Children

1Saved â€
src: 1saved.org


Not for Sale Human Trafficking statistics - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


What is child abuse?
src: www.ocr.gov.jm

Jobs Cited

Human trafficking on the increase in SA' | Voice of the Cape
src: www.vocfm.co.za

Further reading

  • Several cases of sales or sales efforts are described in what are mostly major sources: Grennan, Conor, Little Princes: One Man Promises Bring Home Lost Children of Nepal (NY: William Morrow, 1st ed. 2010 (ISBN 978-0-06-193005-8)), in particular. pp.Ã, 39-41 (esp. p. 40), 77, 134, 227-228, 231 & amp; 249-257 (graduate of the author of Univ of Virginia & NYU Stern Sch from Bus, volunteer Little Princes Child Home, Godawari, Nepal (2004), founder of Next Generation Nepal)

Victim, not criminal - Unicef UK
src: downloads.unicef.org.uk

External links

  • International Center for Transitional Justice, Children and Youth page
  • UNICEF: Child protection from violence, exploitation, and abuse
  • ChildTrafficking.com: Large, searchable library of scientific resources
  • The International Framework for Action - To Implement the People's Trafficking Protocol
  • Human Trafficking Human Trafficking Operator 2009
  • Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons
  • Training Manual to Fight Child Trafficking in Children for Labor, Sexual Forms and Other Exploitation - Textbook 1: Understanding Child Trafficking
  • Training Manual to Fight Child Trafficking in Children for Labor, Sexual Forms and Other Exploitation - Textbook 2: Action against Child Trafficking in Policies and Outreach Levels
  • Training Manual for Against Child Trafficking in Children for Work, Sexual, and Other Exploitative Form - Text Book 3: Process Problems
  • UN Global Initiative to Combat Trafficking in Persons
  • United States Department of Foreign Affairs: People Trafficking Report - 2011
  • Child Trafficking in Germany, German Federal Statistical Office 1995 - 2012
  • The Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Human Trafficking and its Explanatory Report, 2005
  • ILO and UNICEF Training Manuals to combat trafficking of children for labor, sexual and other forms of exploitation, 2009
  • ILO International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor, Combating Child Trafficking for Labor Exploitation, Resource Kit for Policymakers and Practitioners, 2007
  • United Nations Children's Fund, Guidelines for the Protection of Victims of Child Trafficking, 2006
  • United Nations Children's Fund, Reference Guide on Protecting the Rights of the Victims of Trade in Europe
  • UN Joint Commentary on EU Direction - A Human Rights Based Approach, 2011
  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons, Comments, 2010

Source of the article : Wikipedia
